Pied Paper PH is a Baguio City-based local shop that offers art and design commissions as well
as selling unique and high quality fan-made and official merch of billboard number
1 singers, Bangtan Sonyeondan ⟭⟬
Pied Paper PH started with designing stickers and paper-made merch hence the name, Pied Paper PH.* Established on August 8, 2020 *

Is COD applicable?
Pied Paper PH follows a strictly payment first basis on all items including the local shipping fee.
What courier do you use for shipment?
We only use J&T for shipment. Other couriers will not be entertained.
What are you mode of payments?
We only use GCASH.
Do you use shopee check out?
No, strictly straight to J&T.
What are the following abbreviations: DOP, DOO, MOP, MOD, POP, ETA, LSF and GO?
Deadline of Payments, Deadline of Orders, Mode of Payment, Mode of Delivery, Proof of Payment, Estimated Time of Arrival, Local Shipping Fee, and Group Order
When can I receive my order/s?
Items ordered are processed within 3-4 weeks. Production starts after the DOP. Note that sometimes there are delays (7-12 days) in production if there are a lot of orders in a group order. In such circumstances, you will be notified via email.
How to pay?
An invoice is sent on your email upon your submission of the order form. It contains the payment details and steps after paying. Please check your inbox or spam. If you did not receive anything, please DM me.